Π polarizability Meeting Oct 19, 2012

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Meeting Info.

Meeting Time

9:00 EST



  1. Previous meeting: Oct 12, 2012
  2. Reconstructed energy when \pi ^{+} is not detected (Sasha)
  3. Generated angular distributions (Candace)
  4. Simulation (David)

Number of events from 100k event sample with at least one pi+pi- pair.

(links in header correspond to the second row of runs which have multiple mass hypotheses)

mass hypotheses vertex constraint w/ EM no constraint w/ EM vertex constraint w/o EM no constraint w/o EM
π 41452 45936 42167 45981
π, K, p 41316 45827 42058 45849


Attendees: Rory M. (chair), Candace H., Elton S., David L., Sasha M.

Action Items

  • Send Sasha instructions to update to most recent code and to turn on vertex constraint (David)
  • Verify that secondaries were on for David's simulation and resolve apparent discrepancy with Sasha's plots (David)
  • Baseline acceptance calculations by end of fall (all)