May 11, 2022 Calorimeter
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Meeting Day/Time: every other WEDNESDAY at 11:00 a.m. JLab time
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- Meeting ID: 160 855 2106
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- FCAL HDFCAL log book
- BCAL HDBCAL log book
- CCAL HDCCAL log book
- Calibrations: 2020 Data Production; RunPeriod-2019-11 Validation; Offline Monitoring Data Validation
- Photon Reconstruction Task Force
- BCAL calibration links, 2020, PrimEx, SRC
Goals for Calorimetry Group
- Determine preliminary photon reconstruction efficiencies as a function of E, phi and theta in data and simulation with a point-to-point precision of at least 5%.
- Measure systematics of pi0/eta mass calibration as a function of detector position to a precision of at least 5 MeV.
- Demonstrate agreement of photon reconstruction efficiency and resolution between data and simulation as a function of E, phi and theta to within 5%.
Action Items
- Short term CALWG Items
- Long term items
- Calorimeter work packages
- AI - BCAL Monitoring:
Tentative Agenda
- Announcements
- Past Meeting Minutes
- Shutdown tasks
- Review Action Items
- Run Operations
- There have been 7 recent failures in calorimeter FADCs (BCAL 3, FCAL 4) [1][2][3] Could dirt be the issue? [4]
- Low signal bases had torque checked, no apparent improvement. elog 3991735
- 25 PMTs replaced in FCAL elog 3993096
- Calibration
- Monitoring
- BCAL (offline)
- Monitoring: Verbal Update (Tolga) (most plots are same as last update)
- FCAL (offline)
- CCAL (offline)
- BCAL (offline)
- Reconstruction
- Simulations
- Any other business
Attendees: Mark, Tolga, Elton, Karthik, Stjepan, Sean, Varun, Malte, Jon, Susan, Zisis
- Announcements
- Past Meeting Minutes
- Shutdown tasks
- Review Action Items
- Run Operations
- There have been 7 recent failures in calorimeter FADCs (BCAL 3, FCAL 4). Could dirt/metallic filings (from nearby grinding) be the issue? This will be investigated further. (see above links).
- Low signal bases had torque checked, no apparent improvement (see above link).
- 25 PMTs replaced in FCAL(see above link). α power exponent (Vα) was extracted to assist in setting the HV. Priority for PMT replacement goes based on the radius (smaller values, inner blocks).
- BCAL: FADC issues here too of unknown origin. Fan filters will be checked, but if cleaning is needed then RadCon needs to be called.
- CCAL: no report.
- Calibration:
- Sean asked if everything is ready for PrimEx as connected to the newest monitoring launch. Mark will check and let Regina know if more iterations are needed for the BCAL.
- Elton brought up the FCAL calibration for CPP. Mark mentioned that the log-weighed method for the FCAL may not work as well for low energies.Elton will contact Igal to start the conversation.
- Monitoring
- BCAL (offline)
- Monitoring: Verbal Update (Tolga) (most plots are same as last update)
- FCAL (offline)
- CCAL (offline)
- BCAL (offline)
- Reconstruction:
- Elton brought up the topic of hadronic efficiencies. An offline meeting will be set up; Tolga will likely undertake this task.
- Churamani sent in a brief report via email: 'Basically on the new invariant mass spectrums from S1(2017) and U1 (spring fall 2018)flags, I am performing fits for yield extractions at this time.'
- Simulations: none.
- Any other business: none.