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GlueX Experiment Document 15-v1

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A Study of Combined K-pi Separation Using Time of Flight Counters and a Gas Cherenkov Detector

Document #:
Document type:
Hall D Note
Submitted by:
Curtis A. Meyer
Updated by:
Curtis A. Meyer
Document Created:
06 May 1999, 11:43
Contents Revised:
06 May 1999, 11:43
Metadata Revised:
06 May 1999, 11:43
Actually Revised:
18 Jun 2004, 12:01
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This note is a follow up to note 14 which examined the effects of timing resolution on K-pi separation. This note extends the previous study by including a Gas Cernkov counter at the down stream end of the magnet. The purpose of this note is to study the effects of the Cerenkov on the combined particle identification.
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