
Showing runs: 71191 - 71406. 200 runs per page. Total runs: 24825
Start time
Run config
Run type
2020-01-16 06:41:54 1:47:07 47494590 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL 45/135deg PARA, production 150nA
2020-01-16 04:37:19 2:00:36 154656818 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL 0/90 PERP, 150nA production
2020-01-16 02:35:12 1:58:12 204581511 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL 150 nA Production; 0/90 PARA
2020-01-16 01:52:37 0:12:29 2740728 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Produection 150 nA; 0/90 PARA
2020-01-16 00:42:58 1:03:50 76310002 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL 150 nA Production; 4.5X10-5 AMO Radiator
2020-01-15 21:36:25 1:49:12 131116119 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL 150 nA Production; 45/135 PERP
2020-01-15 19:37:35 1:57:30 171142150 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL continuing 45/135 para
2020-01-15 17:19:40 0:03:16 4457 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL daq test after restoring daq after cancelled high rate study
2020-01-15 14:38:28 2:03:13 30815761 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL
2020-01-15 13:43:07 0:41:51 74409741 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL 45/135 para
2020-01-15 12:28:33 1:07:35 116569081 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL 0/90 perp
2020-01-15 03:07:23 0:19:46 23854225 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL 150 nA Production, 0/90 PERP
2020-01-15 02:44:34 0:01:14 699284 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Beam position on active collimator is off
2020-01-14 22:11:51 4:06:13 58815055 CCAL_TAGGER_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal_tagger_ps
2020-01-14 19:31:25 2:35:20 21377081 CCAL_TAGGER_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal_tagger_ps This is intended to be a good TAC run.
2020-01-14 19:20:08 0:05:24 912768 CCAL_TAGGER_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal_tagger_ps
2020-01-14 19:04:51 0:07:06 10714751 CCAL_TAGGER_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_ccal_tagger_ps CCAL test
2020-01-14 18:50:43 0:04:28 9659343 CCAL_TAGGER_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_ccal_tagger_ps
2020-01-14 18:37:52 0:05:08 11387554 CCAL_TAGGER_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_ccal_tagger_ps
2020-01-14 18:21:52 0:05:31 14150567 CCAL_TAGGER_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_ccal_tagger_ps
2020-01-14 18:04:36 0:06:15 21108410 CCAL_TAGGER_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_ccal_tagger_ps
2020-01-14 17:47:09 0:12:09 52076325 CCAL_TAGGER_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_ccal_tagger_ps
2020-01-14 17:12:27 0:27:16 51329321 CCAL_TAGGER_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_ccal_tagger_ps Test
2020-01-14 15:43:13 0:19:48 13860226 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL resume running 0/90 perp while waiting for Sasha for TAC or something
2020-01-14 12:06:40 0:06:24 247814 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL restoring daq screens and testing
2020-01-14 08:11:32 0:20:31 2171364 RAW_ALL_NOSPARS hd_all.tsg special run for ST dark rate measurements
2020-01-14 07:49:56 0:03:29 571 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg
2020-01-14 05:19:38 0:37:36 33673878 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL
2020-01-14 03:16:16 2:00:29 162892147 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Production 150 nA, 0/90 PARA
2020-01-14 03:06:55 0:06:49 12308786 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Production 150 nA, 0/90 PARA
2020-01-14 00:25:49 1:58:36 197182028 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL 150 nA Production; 4.5e-4 AMO Radiator
2020-01-13 17:43:55 0:01:38 55331 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL daq test while waiting for beam. (had to stop and restart before this run)
2020-01-12 20:53:55 0:37:38 39783676 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Production 150 nA, 45/135 PERP
2020-01-12 16:37:12 1:58:12 70460161 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL beam especially trippy or unavailable
2020-01-12 14:35:21 1:58:27 150592981 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL back to normal order, 45/135 para
2020-01-12 12:15:44 1:55:22 120070021 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Note out of order diamond setting: we went back to 0/90 para for this run since that setting had very few events.
2020-01-12 10:11:56 1:56:43 206284163 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL
2020-01-12 07:20:01 0:56:49 47227800 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Production 150nA 0/90 PARA
2020-01-12 06:32:45 0:39:41 46934588 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Production 150nA 0/90 PARA
2020-01-12 04:34:49 1:50:37 105467823 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL
2020-01-12 02:27:52 2:01:17 214757036 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL
2020-01-12 00:19:37 2:01:16 187978720 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Productuion 150nA 45/135 PARA
2020-01-11 22:59:54 1:02:47 111008280 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL JD70-105 0/90 PERP @ 150nA, continue previous run
2020-01-11 21:38:33 1:03:49 71040916 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL JD70-105 0/90 PERP @ 150nA, 2h data taking
2020-01-11 19:59:23 0:12:17 453543 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL
2020-01-11 17:56:39 2:01:10 146728886 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL JD70-105 PARA @ 150nA, 2h data taking
2020-01-11 15:37:45 1:59:35 156773404 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL AMO 4.5x10^-4 ; 150nA
2020-01-11 13:35:18 1:57:05 167062990 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL 45/135 PERP; 150nA
2020-01-11 11:25:42 2:00:08 185599807 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL 150nA; 45/135 PARA
2020-01-11 08:39:10 2:08:22 240065858 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL
2020-01-11 06:20:11 2:13:21 211093143 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Production. 150nA JD-70-105 0/90 PARA
2020-01-11 04:17:37 1:59:03 194607204 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Production. 150nA 45/135 PERP
2020-01-11 03:26:48 0:42:41 58373546 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL
2020-01-11 01:33:59 1:31:52 91009681 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Production 4.5x10-4 AMO 150nA
2020-01-10 23:15:15 2:05:42 196478976 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Production 150nA JD-70-105 45/135 PARA
None -1
2020-01-10 12:08:36 1:44:57 178497969 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL 150 nA, JD70-105 47um 0/90 deg PERP
2020-01-10 03:47:23 0:11:25 23405605 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Production JD-70-105 0/90 PERP 150nA
2020-01-10 01:44:17 2:00:35 259437335 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Production JD-70-105 0/90 PARA 150nA
2020-01-09 23:38:48 1:58:25 199766001 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Production, 150 nA, AM0 4.5e-4, short mode
2020-01-09 23:31:53 0:01:18 254509 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Production in raw mode, 4.5 10-4 X0, 150 nA
2020-01-09 23:22:46 0:06:08 1096540 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL
2020-01-09 23:16:56 0:04:13 627494 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Production in raw mode, 150 nA, 4.5 10-4 X0 Al
2020-01-09 23:09:51 0:03:47 856034 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Production in raw mode
2020-01-09 23:04:15 0:03:18 391199 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL
2020-01-09 22:54:38 0:02:49 627771 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Production in raw mode
2020-01-09 22:33:32 0:19:25 4041243 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL
2020-01-09 20:19:25 2:04:52 231114831 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Production, full target, 200 nA, amo radiator
2020-01-09 19:07:34 1:07:36 96973291 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Test
2020-01-09 17:43:35 0:17:49 2749829 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL Test
2020-01-09 16:52:02 0:02:53 156644 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL
2020-01-09 16:21:35 0:00:51 176404 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL
2020-01-09 16:15:35 0:01:15 301884 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL
2020-01-09 16:00:23 0:04:21 92124 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL
2020-01-09 14:56:49 0:08:53 124564 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL
2020-01-09 09:25:31 0:01:19 315844 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_CC_HL test DAQ
2020-01-08 21:25:32 0:20:08 6261301 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2020-01-08 15:55:30 1:17:39 386723322 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC HOSS Testing. Ignore
2020-01-08 14:28:36 0:31:24 136880354 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC HOSS Test. Ignore.
2020-01-08 14:22:46 0:00:10 5283 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg
2020-01-08 11:38:50 0:01:15 533 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg
2020-01-08 10:19:46 1:12:55 1311 fcal_cosmic_ts hd_fcal.tsg
2020-01-08 09:45:21 0:01:52 10997136 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_DIRC_HL test DAQ
2020-01-08 09:25:46 0:05:45 598 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg_250
2020-01-08 09:21:25 0:01:59 566 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg_250 Pedestals
2020-01-08 07:34:09 0:24:29 6670070 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof_HL Test DIRC LED run with pedestals from run 71311
2020-01-07 20:16:02 2:34:26 430931249 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC HOSS testing. Igonore.
None -1
2020-01-07 15:25:39 0:40:18 4617078 RAW_ALL_NOSPARS hd_all.tsg Special RAW mode data with no sparsification for start counter to test dark currents in the silicon detectors.
2020-01-07 11:01:43 4:18:12 9077139 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg cosmic data RAW mode, all detectors are on. execpt for the tagger
2020-01-06 17:22:14 17:26:22 39660450 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg Cosmic run
2020-01-06 15:21:38 0:14:23 126386649 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_HL
2020-01-06 15:01:52 0:15:34 98906307 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof_HL
2020-01-06 14:41:34 0:14:11 4183970 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof_HL DIRC LED test, nominal conditions with 80 ft fibers.
2020-01-06 14:30:53 0:09:14 2202559 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof_HL DIRC LED test, nominal conditions with 80 ft fibers.
2020-01-06 12:55:46 0:10:17 2530662 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof_HL DIRC LED run nominal settings, 5kHz pulser rate
2020-01-06 12:50:53 0:01:57 11795296 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof_HL
2020-01-06 12:45:55 0:01:55 12491936 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof_HL
2020-01-06 12:39:51 0:03:14 22907876 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof_HL
2020-01-06 12:34:02 0:04:05 12826905 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof_HL DIRC LED intensity test. Bias = 12.4, HV = 1000 V, pulser = 100 kHz. ~85 MB/s data rate from ROCDIRC with ~98% livetime.
2020-01-06 12:28:04 0:02:49 7746392 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof_HL DIRC LED intensity test. Bias = 12.4, HV = 1000 V, pulser = 50 kHz
2020-01-06 12:19:45 0:05:24 1066856 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof_HL DIRC LED run with 50 ft long fibers installed: equalizeVer1_DAC100_Pedestal70495, HV = 1000 V. North OB Fiber 2 removed at distribution box.
2020-01-06 12:11:57 0:05:23 1068974 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof_HL DIRC LED run with 50 ft long fibers installed: equalizeVer1_DAC100_Pedestal70495, HV = 1000 V. Swapped fiber 2 North and South OB at distribution box.
2020-01-06 11:52:40 0:15:16 4017110 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof_HL DIRC LED run with 50 ft long fibers installed: equalizeVer1_DAC100_Pedestal70495, HV = 1000 V. hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof_HL setup file
2020-01-06 11:22:45 0:11:20 3333948 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12 DIRC LED run with 50 ft long fibers installed: equalizeVer1_DAC100_Pedestal70495, HV = 1000 V.
2020-01-06 11:15:04 0:05:11 1486956 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12 DIRC LED run with 50 ft long fibers installed: equalizeVer1_DAC100_Pedestal70495, HV = 900 V.
2020-01-06 10:46:03 0:00:57 143684 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12 Test DIRC LED run
2020-01-06 09:49:17 0:21:22 792581 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2020-01-04 01:22:41 2 days, 8:09:09 126655787 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Cosmic run
2020-01-03 23:05:18 2:11:41 617403967 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg HOSS Testing. Ignore
2020-01-03 17:26:18 0:02:05 5135332 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12
2020-01-03 17:19:44 0:02:24 7677743 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12 DIRC network card test: HV=900V, LED bias=13.4 V and pulser at 75 kHz. rocdirc data rate is only ~85 MB/s and livetime is 75%. Input buffers full
2020-01-03 17:11:19 0:02:03 6511016 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12 DIRC network card test: HV=900V, LED bias=13.4 V and pulser at 75 kHz. rocdirc data rate is only ~85 MB/s and livetime is 75%
2020-01-03 17:05:38 0:03:25 14619684 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12 DIRC network card test: HV=900V, LED bias=12.4 V and pulser at 150 kHz. rocdirc data rate is only ~75 MB/s and livetime is still 60%
2020-01-03 17:00:34 0:03:01 15920677 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12
2020-01-03 16:56:00 0:02:03 4036811 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12 DIRC network card test: HV=900V, LED bias=12.4 V and pulser at 50 kHz. rocdirc data rate is only ~36 MB/s and livetime is still 100%
2020-01-03 16:51:23 0:03:10 737388 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12 DIRC network card test: HV=900V, LED bias=12.4 V and pulser at 5 kHz. rocdirc data rate is only ~4 MB/s and livetime is 100%
2020-01-03 16:46:27 0:02:03 544537 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12 DIRC network card test, HV on but no pulser
2020-01-03 16:38:12 0:03:32 898963 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12 DIRC test with new high speed network card. HV off to start.
2020-01-03 16:08:09 0:20:12 45706469 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg HOSS Testing. ignore
2020-01-03 07:31:37 1:00:17 35354995 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg HOSS testing. ignoe.
2020-01-02 11:44:16 0:13:12 12560131 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC HOSS Testing. ignore.
2020-01-02 11:33:49 0:05:21 10178239 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC HOSS testing. Ignore
2019-12-20 14:34:11 0:15:27 4127851 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12
2019-12-20 14:15:57 0:14:07 4176998 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12 DIRC LED run, Unity Gain, HV1000, DAC50
2019-12-20 13:57:32 0:14:09 4027442 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12 DIRC LED run, Unity Gain, DAC100, HV1050
2019-12-20 13:38:08 0:15:40 4628544 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12 DIRC LED run, Unity gain, HV950, DAC1000
2019-12-20 13:20:21 0:13:40 4044713 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12 DIRC LED run, unity gain, HV1000, DAC1000
2019-12-20 13:01:44 0:13:40 4036275 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12 DIRC LED run, equalized gains v2, HV1000, DAC100
2019-12-20 12:44:10 0:13:50 4079397 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12 DIRC LED run, equalized gain TOTv1, HV1000, DAC100
2019-12-20 12:22:13 0:14:32 4284886 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12 DIRC LED run, equalized gain v1, DAC50, HV1000
2019-12-20 12:02:27 0:13:44 4050552 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12 DIRC LED run, equalized gain v1, HV 1050, DAC100
2019-12-20 11:44:48 0:13:49 4076835 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12 DIRC LED run, equalized gain v1, DAC100, HV950
2019-12-20 11:23:07 0:13:49 4069558 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12 DIRC LED run. Equalized v1, DAC100, HV 1000
2019-12-20 10:58:48 0:04:52 1396631 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12
2019-12-20 10:50:49 0:03:21 987601 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12
2019-12-20 10:46:25 0:02:01 194484 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12
2019-12-20 10:41:50 0:01:50 475418 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12
2019-12-20 10:34:24 0:03:19 572 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg_250
2019-12-20 10:20:22 0:07:51 2286046 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12
2019-12-20 09:48:19 0:03:03 524593 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12
2019-12-20 08:23:57 0:08:57 3600 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
None -1
2019-12-20 06:28:45 0:01:19 45 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC
2019-12-20 05:09:57 0:00:55 161515 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC RAW MODE, 300 nA
2019-12-20 05:07:19 0:00:59 153158 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC RAW MODE, 300 nA
2019-12-20 05:03:14 0:02:05 232536 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC RAW MODE, 300 nA
2019-12-20 05:00:26 0:01:15 226063 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC RAW MODE, 300 nA
2019-12-20 04:57:40 0:01:07 190644 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC RAW MODE, M10. 300 nA
2019-12-20 04:53:59 0:01:57 383144 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC RAW MODE, M10. 300 nA
2019-12-20 04:18:37 0:24:16 50005115 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_HL High rate test @300 nA, JD70-105 para, DIRC @1 kV
2019-12-20 02:14:42 1:09:39 275789643 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_HL
2019-12-20 01:37:47 0:12:15 38847163 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_HL
2019-12-19 23:17:56 0:09:40 25963 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_HL
2019-12-19 18:04:37 3:23:34 73700 CCAL_TAGGER_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_ccal_tagger_ps
None -1
2019-12-19 16:59:17 0:06:19 15657443 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_HL
2019-12-19 16:29:03 0:04:42 20649083 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_HL
2019-12-19 16:06:33 0:18:24 56563723 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_HL
2019-12-19 15:34:51 0:26:38 108248043 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_HL High rate test @350 nA, 0/90 PARA
2019-12-19 15:01:33 0:29:03 92647363 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_HL High rate test @350 nA, AMO 4.5e-4 RL, DIRC @1 kV
2019-12-19 14:20:16 0:38:49 140534363 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_HL High rate test @300 nA nominal, AMO 4.5e-4 RL, with DIRC @ 1kV
2019-12-19 14:11:10 0:04:39 11042163 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_HL High current test, asked for 300 nA. AMO radiator.
2019-12-19 12:42:09 1:20:53 140884120 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD 150 nA on AMO 4.5e-4 RL radiator, PHYS_DIRC_TRD config rcdb error rc=134 on go
2019-12-19 10:42:26 1:55:18 200282931 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD Dirc commissioning. JD70-105 perp. 150 na. Dirc 1050+
2019-12-19 08:40:15 1:58:34 202730350 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD Dirc commissioning. JD70-105 para. 150 na. Dirc 1050V.
2019-12-19 06:47:30 1:49:54 200870929 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD Dirc commissioning. JD70-105 perp. 150 na. Dirc 950V. readout window 400ns
2019-12-19 04:47:53 1:53:54 207465770 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD Dirc commissioning. JD70-105 para. 150 na. Dirc 950V.
2019-12-19 04:42:23 0:02:05 1137091 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-19 04:20:48 0:12:08 11785275 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-19 02:37:10 1:32:47 94557269 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD Dirc commissioning. JD70-105 para. 150 na. Dirc 1000V. Coherent peak is here.
2019-12-19 02:27:21 0:02:14 831383 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-19 01:20:14 1:02:50 45746791 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD DIRC 950V. 4.5x10-4 150nA.
2019-12-19 00:45:36 0:33:26 29123249 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD 4.5x10-4. 150 na. 17kHz event rate.
2019-12-19 00:27:04 0:16:24 14913900 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD Dirc commissioning. Para. 150na. No coherent peak found. 20kHz rate.
2019-12-19 00:01:41 0:19:01 16735175 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD DIRC Comissining. Trigger problems.
2019-12-18 23:19:57 0:17:43 16984425 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD JD70-105. Dirc comissining. 20kHz event rate. Lane0 and lane1 have no rates in BCAL FADC Scaler
2019-12-18 22:59:39 0:12:06 10093925 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD 20kHz low event rate again. DIRC 1000V
2019-12-18 22:48:21 0:10:16 8531349 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD Event rate is low. DIRC Voltage 950
2019-12-18 22:28:34 0:12:33 7080033 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-18 22:21:25 0:02:07 64915 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD RAW MODE. M10 config
2019-12-18 22:18:31 0:01:09 56305 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD RAW MODE. M10 config
2019-12-18 22:15:35 0:01:21 67148 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD RAW MODE. M10 config
2019-12-18 22:12:00 0:02:22 56655 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD RAW MODE. M10
2019-12-18 22:08:30 0:02:17 86499 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD RAW MODE, M10.
2019-12-18 21:59:36 0:03:21 223 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD GEM SRS ERROR
2019-12-18 21:50:16 0:01:02 51 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-18 21:05:56 0:32:23 6030587 TEST_HI hd_all.tsg_hi Test
2019-12-18 20:15:12 0:48:26 9118169 TEST_HI hd_all.tsg_hi Test
2019-12-18 20:07:12 0:05:16 781396 TEST_HI hd_all.tsg_hi
2019-12-18 19:48:43 0:14:17 3455584 TEST_HI hd_all.tsg_hi Test
2019-12-18 19:20:02 0:08:00 38291768 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC Test
2019-12-18 19:13:20 0:02:48 12405153 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC
2019-12-18 18:58:03 0:10:30 43653531 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC
2019-12-18 18:36:54 0:11:58 26585611 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC Test
2019-12-18 17:54:18 0:22:52 298186 fcal_cosmic_ts hd_fcal.tsg Test
2019-12-18 16:54:38 0:06:20 12851640 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9_HI_DIRC hd_all.tsg_DIRC_rocs_tcp
2019-12-18 16:37:30 0:11:46 34818123 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9_HI_DIRC hd_all.tsg_DIRC_HL 500 nA
2019-12-18 16:26:51 0:02:46 9908443 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9_HI_DIRC hd_all.tsg_DIRC_HL 500 nA
2019-12-18 16:18:48 0:02:16 5610977 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9_HI_DIRC hd_all.tsg_DIRC_LL 500 nA