April 24, 2024 Calorimeter

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Meeting Day/Time: every other WEDNESDAY at 11:00 a.m. JLab time

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  1. FCAL HDFCAL log book
  2. ECAL HDECAL log book
  3. BCAL HDBCAL log book
  4. CCAL HDCCAL log book
  5. Calibrations: 2020 Data Production; RunPeriod-2019-11 Validation; Offline Monitoring Data Validation
  6. Photon Reconstruction Task Force
  7. BCAL calibration links, 2020, PrimEx, SRC

Goals for Calorimetry Group

  1. Determine preliminary photon reconstruction efficiencies as a function of E, phi and theta in data and simulation with a point-to-point precision of at least 5%.
  2. Measure systematics of pi0/eta mass calibration as a function of detector position to a precision of at least 5 MeV.
  3. Demonstrate agreement of photon resolution between data and simulation as a function of E, phi and theta to within 5%.
  4. Demonstrate agreement of photon reconstruction efficiency between data and simulation as a function of E, phi and theta to within 5%.

Action Items

  1. Short term CALWG Items
  2. Long term items
  3. Calorimeter work packages
  4. AI - BCAL Monitoring:
    1. Hydra Real-Time Dashboard
    2. Hydra 24-hr Monitoring Logs

Tentative Agenda

  1. Announcements
  2. Past Meeting Minutes
  3. Review Action Items
  4. Detectors
    1. FCAL/ECAL
    2. BCAL
  5. Calibration
  6. Monitoring
  7. Reconstruction
  8. Simulations
  9. Any other business


Attendees: Tegan, Mark, Igal, Malte, Sean, Eugene, Matt, Zisis

  1. Announcements: the May Collaboration meeting is on May 14-16.
  2. Past Meeting Minutes
    • How to handle the BCAL dead channels was discussed. If truly dead, set the channel efficiency =0. I not fully dead, create a new method, as we do not have one yet. Sean has built a new CCDB table to that end. There are also hot channels that correspond to bad DAQ chip in the FADCs; hard to repair. These add to the energy of clusters unexpectedly. Sean and Mark are working on this.
  3. Review Action Items: these will be reviewed at our next meeting.
  4. Detectors
    • FCAL/ECAL:
      1. Malte reported on progress regarding the LED boards for the lead glass. Sasha and Vlad want the detector to be made dark soon so they can test the first row of voltage dividers in the ECAL.
      2. Mark asked about the geometry strategy and noted that a coordination strategy is needed. Simon can deal with the shims and detailed XML geometry, when he has time.
      3. The cable/channel translation table is needed from Sasha (cable to electronics map). Sasha will be contacted for this.
    • BCAL
      1. Tegan reported on the BCAL SiPM dark rate study that Regina plus Mark are working on. The idea is to assess the degradation as a function of dose initially, and later in terms of 1-MeV-neutron-equivalent fluence. Tegan has been working with Pulse-Peak spectra that Varun and Stjepan have generated for almost all run periods, and he has used the EPICS variable of the hall D neutron detector (that is physically located near the BCAL downstream SiPMs). Tegan sees a slope of almost zero (no degradation) for low overbias on the SiPMs (operational OB is 1.4 V), and some slope for higher values of the OB, exceeding 1.4 V. Mark had suggested plotting the response versus gains, and also the slope/intercept. The downstream SiPMs are more tightly grouped with a mean of the distribution being negative; they likely have 2x the radiation damage that the upstream ones. Next, Tegan will calculate the fluence based on the current, targets and other conditions. Zisis mentioned that the goals of this work is to possibly produce a NIM paper on SiPM degradation and compare to the 2013 Yi/Elton paper. The EIC Barrel Imaging Calorimeter people and others in EIC are studying SiPMs and irradiating them at INFN Bologna and UC Davis.
    1. Calibration: Igal reported that the CPP calibration will finish within a week. The farm has been very slow as of late. Following that he will work on the PrimEx calibration, and also, in parallel, he will work on the final pass of the 2023-01 FCAL calibration for GlueX. The work is mostly done.
  5. Monitoring: no report.
  6. Reconstruction: Zisis showed a few plots with Karthik's progress on the omega-pi0 reconstruction efficiency of the BCAL as a function of polar angle and energy deposited. Work is ongoing, and a Regina undergraduate will be assigned to assist Karthik in this effort.
  7. Simulations: no report.
  8. Any other business:
    • It was decided that hardware detailed reports, problem solving and coordination of activities should take place within CALWG.