GlueX Talks
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Conference and Workshop Talks
Talks in 2025
- 61st International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio, Italy, Jan 27 - 31, 2024
- Pion Polarizabilities - Update on a Recent Measurement with GlueX in Hall-D at Jefferson Lab, presented by David Hornidge
Talks in 2024
- KHuK Annual Meeting 2024, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany, 5–6 Dec 2024
- 91st Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the APS (SESAPS 2024), University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Oct 24–26, 2024
- The GlueX Experiment and Eta Program at Jefferson Lab, presented by Andrew Smith
- Mini-Workshop on Straw Tracker R&D for a Future Electron-Positron Higgs Factory October 14-15, 2024
- GlueX Central Drift Chamber, presented by Naomi Jarvis
- DNP 2024 - Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Phyisics, Boston, MA, October 7 - 10, 2024
- Presentation Partial wave analysis of the reaction gamma p -> p K+ K- pi0 for low K+ K- pi0 invariant mass, presented by Alan Gardner
- Presentation Jefferson Lab Eta Factory experiment, presented by Laveen, Puthiya
- Update on the PrimEx-eta Experiment at Jefferson Lab, presented by Andrew Smith
- IWHSS-CPHI-2024 - Joint 20th International Workshop on Hadron Structure and Spectroscopy and 5th workshop on Correlations in Partonic and Hadronic Interactions, Yerevan, Armenia, September 30, 2024 to October 4, 2024
- Baryon Spectroscopy at GlueX, presented by Farah Afzal
- Tests of fundamental symmetries via π0, η and η′, presented by Liping Gan
- Meson spectroscopy through photoproduction: from Jefferson Lab to the EIC, presented by Justin Stevens
- WS1GeV 2024 - Workshop at 1GeV scale: From mesons to axions, Jagiellonian University Krakow, Poland, September 19 – 20, 2024
- The GLUEX JLab Eta Factory (JEF) Experiment at JLAB Hall D, presented by Bill Briscoe
- Recent results from the GlueX collaboration, presented by Yannick Wunderlich
- CD2024 - The 11th International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, August 26 - 30, 2024
- Measurements of the Pion Electromagnetic Polarizabilities at Jefferson Lab, presented by Rory Miskimen
- Structure of the Λ(1405) from Photoproduction at GlueX, presented by Jim Ritman
- Light Pseudoscalar Meson Decays at Jefferson Lab, presented by Liping Gan
- Status of the PrimEx-eta experiment at Jefferson Lab - Sasha Somov
- XVIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum Conference, Cairns, Australia, 19-24 August 2024
- Recent results from GlueX, presented by Peter Hurck
- 10th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP2024), Barcelona, Spain, 8-12, July 2024
- The Search for Exotic Hadrons at GlueX, presented by Alexander Austregesilo
- Exploring Photoproduced Systems in the Search for Exotic Hadrons at GlueX, presented by Zachary Baldwin
- Amplitude Analysis of ωπ0 Photoproduction at GlueX, presented by Kevin Scheuer
- The radiative decay width measurement of the η-meson at GlueX, presented by Igal Jaegle
- 2024 Jefferson Lab Users Organization Annual Meeting (JLUO 2024), Jefferson Lab, 19-22, June 2024
- Vector Mesons at GlueX, presented by Edmundo Barriga
- Meson Spectroscopy at GlueX, presented by Will Imoehl
- Baryon Spectroscopy at GlueX, presented by Hao Li
- International Workshop on Partial Wave Analyses and Advanced Tools for Hadron Spectroscopy (PWA13/ATHOS8), Williamsburg, Virginia, 28 May - June 1. 2024
- Search for Exotic Hadrons in η(')π at GlueX, presented by Malte Albrecht
- Ambiguities in the Partial-Wave Analysis of Meson Photoproduction, presented by Edmundo Barriga
- Photoproduction of KS Pairs at GlueX, presented by Dene Hoffman
- Non-parametric Partial Wave Analysis, presented by Lawrence Ng
- Production of the b1(1235) Meson at the GlueX Experiment, presented by Amy Schertz
- 15th International Conference on Beauty, Charm, Hyperons in Hadronic Interactions (BEACH 2024), Charleston, South Carolina, 3-7, June 2024
- Threshold charmonium production at JLab], presented by Lubomir Pentchev
- Canadian Association of Physicists Annual Congress, 27-31 May, 2024, London, ON, Canada
- Rare Eta and Eta-prime Decays at Hall D/Jefferson Lab, presented by Zisis Papandreou
- 20th International Conference on Calorimetry in Particle Physics (CALOR 2024), Tsukuba, Japan, 20-24, May 2024
- Lead tungstate calorimeter of the Jefferson Lab Eta Factory experiment, presented by Alexander Somov
- April APS 2024, Sacramento, California, 3-6 April 2024
- Lead Tungstate Compton Calorimeter for PrimEx-eta experiment at Jefferson Lab, presented by Vladimir Berdnikov
- η'-> η ππ Decay with GlueX, presented by Olga Cortes
- Measurement of the t-dependence of the beam asymmetry of photoproduced η at GlueX, presented by Tolga Erbora
- Preliminary Results from the PrimEx-eta Experiment in Hall D at Jefferson Lab, presented by Igal Jaeglé
- The new Electromagnetic Calorimeter at the Jefferson Lab Eta Factory, presented by Igal Jaeglé
- Measurement of the t-dependence of the beam asymmetry for the reaction γ p -> η' p at GlueX, presented by Churamani Paudel
- Lead tungstate calorimeters at Jefferson Lab and perspectives for the Electron–Ion Collider, presented by Alexander Somov
- Reconstruction of eta->pi0 gamma gamma using an upgraded GlueX detector, presented by Simon Taylor
- Hadron Spectroscopy with Strangeness, Glasgow, UK, 3-5 April 2024
- Overview of Hyperon Physics in Photoproduction at GlueX, presented by Jesse Hernandez
- Measurement of Hyperon Polarization at GlueX, presented by Hao Li
- Workshop on near-threshold J/psi photoproduction, Huizhou, China, 19-22, Feb. 2024
- Near-threshold J/psi photoproduction at GlueX, presented by Jane Zhang
- 5th Workshop on Future Directions in Spectroscopy Analysis (FDSA2024), Genova, Italy, 22-24, Jan. 2024
- Status and prospects for GlueX, presented by Matt Shepherd
- Photoproduction of Δ++π- at GlueX, presented by Farah Afzal
- Amplitude analysis of γp->ωπ-Δ++ (and related photoproduction channels)], presented by Amy Schertz
- Quarkonia as Tools, Aussois, France, 7 - 13, Jan. 2024
- Exclusive e+ e- production at GlueX, presented by Keigo Mizutani
Talks in 2023
- APS DNP / Hawaii 2023, Waikoloa, Hawaii, 26 Nov. - 1 Dec., 2022
- The Search for Exotic Hadrons at GlueX, presented by Alexander Austregesilo
- Search for Resonances in the ωη System at GlueX, presented by Edmundo Barriga
- Decay of the Λ(1405) to Σ0π0 measured at GlueX, presented by Nilanga Wickramaarachchi
- f1 Meson Production At GlueX, presented by Tyler Viducic
- Amplitude Analysis of a2 to ηπ at GlueX, presented by Colin Gleason
- The Status of the PrimEx-eta Experiment in Hall D at Jefferson Lab, presented by Drew Smith
- Photoproduction of KS Pairs at GlueX, presented by Dene Hoffman
- Calorimeter Construction: Precision Measurements of η and η’ Decays Using the Jefferson Lab η Factory (JEF), presented by Manav Bilakhia
- MENU 2023 - The 16th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon, Mainz, Germany, 15-20, Oct. 2023
- Probing the meson photoproduction mechanism through spin-density matrix elements at GlueX, presented by Farah Afzal
- Search for Hybrid Mesons at GlueX, presented by Will Imoehl
- Baryon anti-Baryon Photoproduction at GlueX, presented by Reinhard Schumacher
- Hadron Spectroscopy with GlueX, presented by Justin Stevens
- 25th International Symposium on Spin Physics, Durham, North Carolina, 11-14 Sept. 2023
- The Polarized Target Program at GlueX, presented by Mark Dalton
- Measuring Photon Beam Polarization Through Detection of e+e- Pairs at GlueX, presented by Albert Fabrizi
- Conference on High Energy Physics, Yerevan, Armenia, 11-14 Sept. 2023
- Overview of recent GlueX results and future plans, presented by Hrachya Marukyan
- Towards improved hadron femtography with hard exclusive reactions 2023, Jefferson Lab, 7-11 Aug. 2023
- Overview of J/psi results at JLab, presented by Lubomir Pentchev
- TCS measurements at JLab Hall D, presented by Keigo Mizutani
- 2023 JLUO Annual Meeting, Jefferson Lab, 26-28 June 2023
- Update on Search for pi1 at GlueX, presented by Will Imoehl
- Charmonium photoproduction with GlueX, presented by Lubomir Pentchev
- 2-Pseudoscalar Spectroscopy at GlueX, presented by Gabriel Rodriguez
- Hyperon Program in Hall D, presented by Nilanga Wickramaarachchi
- International Workshop on Hadron Structure and Spectroscopy 2023 (IWHSS 2023), Prague, Czechia, 25-28 June 2023
- Hadron spectroscopy at GlueX, presented by Peter Hurck
- 17th International Workshop on Meson Physics (MESON 2023), Kraków, Poland, 22-27 June 2023
- Exploring Meson Photoproduction with the GlueX Experiment, presented by Matt Shepherd
- A Dalitz-Plot Analysis of the omega —> 3pi decay, presented by Volker Crede
- Search for the Y(2175) photoproduction at in GlueX, presented by Frank Nerling
- Precision Tests of Fundmental Physics with Light Mesons, ECT*, Trento, Italy, 25-28 June 2023
- Dalitz plot analysis of eta' charged hadronic decay, presented by Olga Cortes
- Overview of recent and upcoming experiments using meson decays to probe low-energy QCD, fundamental symmetries and BSM physics, presented by Simon Taylor
- Canadian Association of Physicists Annual Congress, 19-23 June, 2023, Fredericton, NB, Canada
- Beam Asymmetry in γ p → η Δ+ at GlueX, presented by Varun Neelamana
- 20th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure (HADRON 2023), Genova, Italy, 5-9 June 2023
- Search for Exotic Hadrons in eta(') pi at GlueX, presented by Malte Albrecht
- Meson Spectroscopy with GlueX, presented by Alexander Austregesilo
- J/psi photoproduction close to threshold at GlueX, presented by Eugene Chudakov
- Precision tests of fundamental physics with light meson decays, presented by Susan Schadmand
- Measurement of the photoproduction cross section for gamma p -> phi pi+ pi- p and search for the Y (2175) at GlueX, presented by Frank Nerling
- Vector-Pseudoscalar PWA at GlueX, presented by Amy Schertz
- Workshop on Exotic Hadron Spectroscopy, Durham, England, 19-21 April 2023
- Hadron Spectroscopy at GlueX, presented by Peter Hurck
- April APS 2023, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 15-18 April 2023
- QCD Probes at GlueX and beyond, presented by Alex Austregesilo
- Upgrade the Forward Calorimeter with a PbWO4 Insert in Hall D at JLab, presented by Arshak Asaturyan
- Photoproduction of Mesons Decaying to
at GlueX, presented by N. Dene Hoffman
- Hall D update at JLUO Satellite Meeting, presented by N. Dene Hoffman
- Dark particle searches in Hall-D with Jefferson Lab at 22 GeV, presented by Igal Jaegle
- The Primakoff Experimental Program on Nuclear Targets in Hall D at Jefferson Lab, presented by Alex Somov
- GHP 2023, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Brazil, 12-14 April 2023
- Total cross section of Ξ(1820)∗− in γp → K+K+Ξ∗− at GlueX, presented by Chandra Akondi
- Primakoff photo-production of eta mesons at GlueX, presented by Viviana Arroyave
- Search for Hybrid Mesons at GlueX, presented by Will Imoehl
- Cross Section Analysis for 𝛯(1530) in the reaction γp ->K+K+Ξ(1530), presented by Brandon Sumner
- XXX International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (DIS2023), East Lansing, Michigan, 27-31 March 2023
- Exclusive threshold charmonium photoproduction with GlueX, presented by Lubomir Pentchev
- 86th Annual Meeting of the DPG, Dresden, Germany, 20-24 March 2023
- Probing the hadron spectrum with the GlueX experiment at Jefferson Lab, presented by Annika Thiel
- LISHEP 2023, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 5-10 March 2023
- Searches for Exotic Mesons: Perspective from the GlueX Experiment, presented by Jon Zarling
- Science at the Luminosity Frontier: Jefferson Lab at 22 GeV, JLab, 23-25 January 2023
- Photoproduction of conventional charmonium at 22 GeV, presented by Lubomir Pentchev
- HEP 2023, Valparaíso, Chile, 9-13 January 2023
- Looking for exotic mesons with polarized photons, presented by Naomi Jarvis
Talks in 2022
- 4th Workshop on Future Directions in Spectroscopy Analysis (FDSA2022), JLab, 14-16 November 2022
- Recent Results and Perspectives from the GlueX Experiment, presented by Sean Dobbs
- Search for Exotic Hadrons in 𝜂(′)𝜋 at GlueX, presented by Malte Albrecht
- Amplitude Analysis of Two-Pseudoscalar Meson Systems at GlueX, presented by Alex Austregesilo
- Baryons 2022, Seville, Spain, 7-11 November 2022
- Baryon Spectroscopy at GlueX, presented by Volker Crede
- Cascade Cross Sections at GlueX, presented by Jesse Hernandez
- APS DNP 2022, New Orleans, 27-30 October, 2022
- The Experimental Programs on Light Pseudoscalar Meson Decays, presented by Simon Taylor
- The Jefferson Lab Eta Factory, presented by Igal Jaegle
- Status of the PrimEx-Eta Experiment in Hall D at Jefferson Lab, presented by Drew Smith
- Dalitz Plot Analysis for the η'→ηππ with GlueX data, presented by Olga Cortes Becerra
- Measurement of the t-dependence on the beam asymmetry of photoproduced η at GlueX, presented by Tolga Erbora
- Measurement of t-dependence of the Beam Asymmetry for a reaction γ p → η'p at GlueX, presented by Churamani Paudel
- Study of the Reaction γ p → η'ηp at GlueX, presented by Jason Barlow
- Photoproduction of K0anti-K0 with the GlueX Experiment, presented by Gabriel Rodriguez Linera
- Resonances in the ωη System at GlueX, presented by Edmundo Barriga
- The decay of the b1(1235)-neutral meson through the ωπ channel at GlueX, presented by Karthik Suresh
- Polarization Measurement of Photoproduced Hyperon Pairs at GlueX, presented by Hao Li
- Eta Meson Decays with GlueX, presented by Daniel Lersch
- Engaging Undergraduate Students in Constructing the PbWO4 Calorimeter for the JEF Experiment at JLab, presented by Philip Cole
- Measurement of the Charged- and Neutral-Pion Polarizabilities using the GlueX Detector in Hall-D at JLab, presented by Rory Miskimen
- NSTAR 2022, Genova, Italy, 17-21 October 2022
- Baryon Spectroscopy at GlueX, presented by Volker Crede
- Overview of strangeness photoproduction studies at GlueX, presented by Peter Hurck
- STRONG2020 Hadron Spectroscopy (HaSP) General Workshop, Munich, Germany, 13-16 September, 2022
- New Results from the GlueX Experiment, presented by Malte Albrecht
- The 28th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC 2022), Cape Town, South Africa, 11-16 September, 2022
- Probing the hadron spectrum with photon-proton collisions, presented by Mark Dalton
- The 9th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP 2022), Florida State University, 5-9 September, 2022
- Amplitude Analysis of a2 → ηπ at GlueX, presented by Colin Gleason
- Search for exotic-quantum-number mesons with the GlueX experiment, presented by Mariana Khachatryan
- Measurement of Photoproduced Baryon—anti-Baryon Pairs at GlueX, presented by Hao Li
- Measurements of charged pion and neutral pion polarizabilities at GlueX, presented by Rory Miskimen
- Near-threshold exclusive J/psi photo-production with GlueX, presented by Lubomir Pentchev
- The Jefferson Lab Eta Factory (JEF) experiment, presented by Simon Taylor
- Decay of the Λ(1405) to Σ0 π0 measured at GlueX, presented by Nilanga Wickramaarachchi
- 14th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics (CIPANP 2022), Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 29 August - 4 September, 2022
- Search for Exotic Hadrons in η(’)π, presented by Malte Albrecht
- Towards improved hadron femtography with hard exclusive reactions, Blacksburg, VA, 18-22 July, 2022
- New results on exclusive J/ψ photoproduction near threshold with GlueX, presented by Lubomir Pentchev
- 14th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP2022), June 27-July 1, 2022, Prague, Czech Republic
- Total Cross Section of Xi(1820) at GlueX, presented by Chandra Akondi
- The Strangeness Program at GlueX, presented by Peter Pauli
- Decay of the Λ(1405) to Σ0π0 measured at GlueX, presented by Nilanga Wickramaarachichi
- JLUO Annual Meeting, Virtual, June 13-15, 2022
- Partial Wave Analysis of η π at GlueX, presented by Malte Albrecht
- Status of the PrimEx-eta Experiment in Hall D, presented by Drew Smith
- 2022 April APS Meeting, New York, NY, April 9-12, 2022
- Preliminary Ξ(1820)−∗ cross section results in Photoproduction off the Proton at GlueX, presented by Chandra Akondi
- Study of the Reaction γ p → η η p, presented by Jason Barlow
- Resonances in the ω η System at GlueX, presented by Edmundo Barriga
- t-dependence of Beam Asymmetry of Photoproduced η at GlueX, presented by Tolga Erbora
- η-meson photoproduction off light nuclei at GlueX, presented by Igal Jaegle
- A study of the γ p → p η π+ π- reaction at GlueX, presented by Alison LaDuke
- Measurement of t-Dependence of the Beam Asymmetry for a reaction γ p → η' p, presented by Churamani Paudel
- Compton Scattering Cross Section Measurement in Hall D at Jefferson Lab, presented by Drew Smith
- Photoproduction and lineshape of Λ(1405) → Σ0π0 at GlueX, presented by Nilanga Wickramaarachchi
- f1 Meson Production with the GlueX Experiment, presented by Tyler Viducic
- Canadian Association of Physicists Annual Congress, 5-10 June, 2022, Hamilton, ON, Canada
- Beyond-Standard-Model Physics using Rare Eta and Eta-prime Neutral Decays, presented by Zisis Papandreou
- WNPPC 2022, Winter Nuclear and Particle Physics Conference, 15-18 Feb 2022, Virtual
- Update of the Jefferson Lab Eta Factory and the Search for BSM Physics, presented by Azizah Mahmood
- Eta Meson Photoproduction with the GlueX Experiment, presented by Jonathan Zarling
Talks in 2021
- APS SESAPS 2021, Tallahassee, FL, Nov. 18-20, 2021
- Recent Results from the Gluonic eXcitation Experiment (GlueX) at JLab, presented by Chandra Akondi
- Study of the Reaction γ p → ηη'p, presented by Jason Barlow
- Measurement of the t-dependence for the Beam Asymmetry of Photoproduced η Mesons at GlueX, presented by Tolga Erbora
- Ξ(1320)− Differential Cross Section in Photo-production at GlueX, presented by Jesse Hernandez
- Measurement of Beam Asymmetry t-Dependence in a Photoproduced η′ off the Proton at GlueX, presented by Churamani Paudel
- A study of γp → KSKSp with the GlueX Experiment, presented by Gabriel Rodriguez
- The 10th International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics, Virtual, Nov. 15-19, 2021
- Measurements of charged and neutral pion electromagnetic polarizabilities at GlueX, presented by Rory Miskimen
- The radiative decay width measurement of the η-meson at GlueX, presented by Igal Jaegle
- The JLab Eta Factory (JEF) experiment, presented by Alexander Somov
- APS DNP 2021, Virtual, Oct. 11-14, 2021
- Status on π0η and π0η' systems in the search for exotic hybrid mesons at GlueX, presented by Zachary Baldwin.
- Survey of the Reaction γ p → ω η p, presented by Edmundo Barriga.
- Exploring photoproduced meson states that decay K+ K- π0 with an emphasis on events where the K+ K- pair are from a0 decay, presented by Alan Gardner
- Status of the PrimEx-eta radiative decay width experiment in Hall D at Jefferson Lab, presented by Tyler Hague
- Meson and Baryon Photoproduction using γ p → KS KS p at GlueX, presented by Dene Hoffman
- A study of the γ p → pηπ+π- reaction in GlueX, presented by Alison LaDuke
- Photoproduction Cross Sections of Baryon-Antibaryon Pairs at GlueX, presented by Hao Li
- Measurements of charged pion and neutral pion electromagnetic polarizabilities at GlueX, presented by Rory Miskimen
- Photon Beam Polarimetry Using Detection of e+e- Pairs at GlueX, presented by Andrew Schick
- Compton Scattering Cross Section Measurement in Hall D at Jefferson Lab, presented by Drew Smith
- Search for Excited Cascades, presented by Brandon Sumner
- Status of the Jefferson Lab Eta Factory (JEF) experiment, presented by Simon Taylor
- Λ(1405) → Σ0 π0 with GlueX, presented by Nilanga Wickramaarachchi
- First Study of High Energy Photoproduction of f1(1285) and f1(1420) at GlueX, presented by Tyler Viducic
- eta Meson Photoproduction with the GlueX Experiment, presented by Jon Zarling
- PANIC 2021, Virtual, Sept. 5-10, 2021
- Recent Results from the Gluonic eXcitation Experiment (GlueX) at JLab, presented by Daniel Lersch
- PWA 12 / ATHOS 7, Hybrid, September 6-10, 2021
- GlueX: New results and future prospects, presented by Malte Albrecht
- η and η' physics at JLab, presented by Liping Gan
- HADRON 2021, Virtual, July 26 - August, 2021
- Precision Measurements of Spin-Density Matrix Elements at GlueX, presented by Alexander Austregesilo
- Amplitude Analysis of ηπ Final States at GlueX, presented by Colin Gleason
- The radiative decay width measurement of the η-meson at GlueX, presented by Igal Jaegle
- The JLab Eta Factory: Rare Eta/Eta-Prime Neutral Modes and Beyond-Standard-Model Physics, presented by Zisis Papandreou
- Accessing glue through photoproduction measurements at GlueX, presented by Peter Pauli
- LISHEP 2021 Meeting, Virtual, July 6-8, 2021.
- The GlueX Experiment, presented by Curtis A. Meyer
- JLUO Annual Meeting, Virtual, June 21-23, 2021.
- Measurements of spin-density matrix elements at GlueX, presented by Peter Pauli
- 2021 CAP Virtual Congress, Virtual, June 6-11
- Search for exotic quantum-number mesons in the GlueX experiment, presented by Curtis A. Meyer
- Light Exotic Mesons in the GlueX Experiment, presented by Zisis Papandreou
- Amplitude Analysis of omega-pi system at GlueX, presented by Karthik Suresh
- Probing New Physics Using η Mesons at the Jefferson Lab Eta Factory, presented by Jon Zarling
- 10th International Workshop on Charm Physics (CHARM 2020), Virtual, May 31-June 4, 2021
- Recent GlueX Charmonium Results and Prospects, presented by Sean Dobbs
- STRANU: Hot Topics in STRANgeness NUclear and Atomic Physics. Virtual, May 24-28, 2021
- Measurement of Λ(1520) SDMEs, presented by Peter Pauli
- 2021 April APS Meeting, Virtual, April 17-20, 2021
- Study of the Reaction γ p → η η p, presented by Jason Barlow
- Study of the Reaction γ p → ω η p, presented by Edmundo Barriga
- Dalitz plot analysis for the η' → η π π decay at GlueX, presented by Olga Cortes
- Cross Sections for Exclusive $\omega$ Photoproduction in the Energy Range 3-11.6 GeV, presented by Mark Dalton
- Background study and preliminary amplitude analysis results for γ p → η' π0 p at GlueX, presented by Rupesh Dotel
- Measurement of the t-dependence for the Beam Asymmetry of Photoproduced η Mesons at GlueX, presented by Tolga Erbora
- Status of the PrimEx eta Radiative Decay Width Experiment in Hall D at Jefferson Lab, presented by Tyler Hague
- Analysis of the Photoproduction Reaction γ p → K+K- π+ π- p at GlueX, presented by Andrew Hurley
- Photoproduction of hadrons with the GlueX experiment, presented by Mariana Khachatryan
- A study of the γ p → p η π+ π- reaction in GlueX, presented by Alison LaDuke
- Study of Radiative Hyperon Decays in the Reaction γ p → K+ Λ γ at GlueX, presented by Kevin Luckas
- Beam Asymmetry in γ p → η Δ+ at GlueX, presented by Varun Neelamana
- Study of a2(1320) in γ p → π0 η p → 4 γ p at GlueX, presented by Lawrence Ng
- Beam Asymmetry t-dependence for photoproduced η' at GlueX, presented by Churamani Paudel
- Amplitude Analysis of the ω π- System at GlueX, presented by Amy Schertz
- Compton Scattering Cross Section Measurement in Hall D at Jefferson Lab, presented by Andrew Smith
- JLab Eta Factory experiment in Hall D, presented by Alexander Somov
- Early Results from GlueX, presented by Justin Stevens
- Search for excited Ξ* states and preliminary cross section for Ξ-(1530), presented by Brandon Sumner
- The Decay of the b1(1235) Neutral Meson Through the ω π0 Channel at GlueX, presented by Karthik Suresh
- 9th Workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, Virtual, April 13-16, 2021
- Analyzing π0 η and π0 η' systems in the search for exotic hybrid mesons at GlueX, presented by Zach Baldwin
- Cross sections for exclusive ω photoproduction in the energy range 3—11.6 GeV, presented by Mark Dalton
- Photoproduction of the b1(1235) meson off the proton at Eγ = 6-12 GeV, presented by Ahmed Foda
- Differential η photoproduction Cross sections off the proton from the GlueX experiment, presented by Mahmoud Kamel
- New physics and rare decays at the Jefferson Lab Eta Factory, presented by Igal Jaegle
- Dalitz Plot Analysis of η → π+ π- π0 with the GlueX Phase I Data Set, presented by Daniel Lersch
- 3rd Quarkonia as Tools Workshop, Virtual, March 22-26, 2021
- Quarkonium production at GlueX, presented by Lawrence Ng
- 2021 The 14th International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium (QWG 2021), Virtual, March 17-20, 2021
- GlueX - Recent Quarkonium results and prospects, presented Sean Dobbs
- 1st Workshop on New Light Physics and Photon-beam experiments, Virtual, March 8-10 2021
- Search for photoproduction of axion-like particles at GlueX, presented by Yunjie Yang
Talks in 2020
- IWHSS 2020, Virtual, Nov. 15-20, 2020
- Hadron Spectroscopy at GlueX and the Search for Gluonic Excitations, presented by Volker Crede
- SESAPS 2020, Virtual, Nov. 5-6, 2020
- Measurement of the t-dependence for the Beam Asymmetry of Photoproduced η Mesons at GlueX, presented by Tolga Erbora
- Beam Asymmetry t-dependence for photoproduced η' at GlueX off the proton target, presented by Churamani Paudel
- APS DNP 2020, Virtual, Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 2020
- Studies comparing ηπ0 and η'π0 systems in search for exotic hybrid mesons at GlueX, presented by Zachary Baldwin
- Spin-Density Matrix Elements for Vector Meson Photoproduction at GlueX, presented by Mark Dalton
- Analysis of the reaction γ p → η'π0p in GlueX in search of photoproduced exotic mesons, presented by Rupesh Dotel
- Measurement of the t-dependence of the beam asymmetry for the reaction γ p → η p, presented by Tolga Erbora
- Search for Physics Beyond the Standard Model at the Jefferson Lab Eta Factory, presented by Igal Jaegle
- Partial wave analysis studies with simulated η'π0 events in GlueX, presented by Mariana Khachatryan
- Differential η meson photoproduction cross sections off the proton at center of mass energies up to 4.75 GeV from the GlueX experiment, presented by Mahmoud Kamel
- Beam Asymmetry in γp → η Δ+ at GlueX, presented by Varun Neelamana
- Study of Double Regge Exchange in the ηπ System at GlueX, presented by Lawrence Ng
- Beam-Asymmetry measurement in a photo-produced η' at GlueX, presented by Churamani Paudel
- Status of the PrimEx-η Experiment in Hall D at Jefferson Lab, presented by Drew Smith
- Photoproduction of b1(1235) meson in GlueX, presented by Karthik Suresh
- Hyperon Spectroscopy with GlueX: Λ(1520) → Σ0γ, presented by Nilanga Wickramaarachchi
- Photoproduction of η Mesons with the GlueX Experiment, presented by Jon Zarling
- JLUO Annual Meeting, June 22-24, 2020
- Exploring the Hadron Spectrum with GlueX, presented by Alexander Austregesilo
- Virtual April 2020 APS Meeting
- Analysis of π0η and π0η' systems in γ p → π0η(′)p at GlueX, presented by Zach Baldwin
Talks in 2019
- Strong QCD from Hadron Structure Experiments 2019, Jefferson Lab, Newport News VA, November 4-8, 2019.
- Search for Exotic Hadrons in 12 GeV era at JLab, Curtis A. Meyer.
- SESAPS 2019 Wilmington, NC, November 7-9 2019.
- Status of the JLab Eta Factory (JEF) experiment, presented by Simon Taylor
- Prospects of Studying Photoproduction on Nuclear Targets with the GlueX Detector, presented by Alexander Somov
- Plans for a Measurement of Charged and Neutral Pion Polarizabilities with GlueX, presented by Mark Ito
- EINN2019 Paphos, Cyprus, October 28 - November 2 2019
- Hadron Spectroscopy at Jefferson Lab, presented by Carlos Salgado
- APS DNP 2019 Arlington, VA, October 14-17
- Beam Asymmetries (Σ) for η and η' in Photoproduction at GlueX, presented by Will McGinley
- Status of the JEF experiment, presented by Simon Taylor
- ICISE 2019 Quy Nhon, Vietnam, September 22-28 2019
- Recent Results from GlueX, presented by Mark Dalton
- International Workshop on Partial Wave Analyses and Advanced Tools for Hadron Spectroscopy, PWA11/ATHOS6 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 2-6 2019
- GlueX Experimental Efforts, presented by Alexander Austregesilo
- HiX2019 Kolumbari, Greece, August 16-21 2019
- Highlights from the GlueX experiment, presented by Lubomir Pentchev
- HADRON2019 Guilin, China, August 16-21 2019
- First measurement of near-threshold J/psi photoproduction and search for the LHCb Pc states at GlueX, presented by Sean Dobbs
- Studies of eta(')pi Final States Using GlueX Data, presented by Colin Gleason
- Selected Light Meson Results from GlueX, presented by Dave Mack
- An Overview of the GlueX Physics Program, presented by Matt Shepherd
- Eta Decay Program at GlueX, presented by Alexander Somov
- Hadron-China 2019 Tianjin, China, August 23-28 2019
- Eta Decay Program at GlueX, presented by Alexander Somov
- INPC 2019 Glasgow, UK, July 29-August 2
- Photoproduction of the Λ(1520) hyperon with a 9 GeV photon beam at GlueX, presented by Peter Pauli
- IWHSS 19 Aveiro, Portugal, June 24-26 2019
- Experiment GlueX: Early results and future plans, presented by Eugene Chudakov
- NSTAR 2019 Bonn, Germany, June 10-14
- Studying Isospin breaking and anomalous η/η′-Decay Modes in Photoproduction with GlueX, presented by Daniel Lersch
- 2019 CAP Congress, Simon Fraser University (Burnaby, BC), June 3-7, 2019.
- The GlueX Experiment: A Search for Exotic Matter, presented by Zisis Papandreou.
- MENU 2019 Pittsburgh, PA, June 2-7.
- Spin-Density Matrix Elements for Vector Meson Photoproduction at GlueX, presented by Alex Austregesilo
- Searching for Exotic Hadrons at GlueX, presented by Sean Dobbs
- Photoproduction of Ξ Baryons at GlueX, presented by Ashley Ernst
- Beam Asymmetries from Light Scalar Meson Photoproduction on the Proton at GlueX, presented by Stuart Feagan
- Photoproduction of Baryon-anti-Baryon Pairs at GlueX, presented by Hao Li
- Exclusive eta and eta' photoproduction and beam asymmetries at GlueX, presented by Will McGinley
- Physics with the GlueX DIRC, presented by Justin Stevens
- Measurement of the Photon Beam Asymmetry Σ for γ+p → K+Σ0 at Eγ = 8.5 GeV in GlueX, presented by Nilanga Wickramaarachchi
- FAIRness 2019, May 20 - 24, Genova, Italy.
- Search for exotic states in photoproduction at GlueX by Abdennacer Hamdi
- April 2019 APS Meeting Denver Colorado, April 13-16.
- Measurement of the Photon Beam Asymmetry Σ for γ + p → K+ Σ0 at Eγ = 8.5 GeV in GlueX, presented by Nilanga Wickramaarachchi at the APS, 04/14/2019, Denver CO
- Studying hadronic and semi-leptonic Decay Modes of the eta(')-Meson with GlueX-I, presented by Daniel Lersch at the GHP, 04/11/2019, Denver CO
- The GlueX Experiment, talk presented by Curtis Meyer at the April 8, 2019 NSAC Meeting in Rockville MD.
Talks in 2018
- The GlueX Experiment: Recent Results and Future Plans (QNP2018). November 13, presented by Jonathan Zarling
- APS/JPS DNP Meeting (HAW18)
- Precision and Exotics in Photoproduction with GlueX, presented by Sean Dobbs
- Threshold Photoproduction of J/psi at GlueX, presented by Alexander Austregesilo
- CPHI2018, September 24-28
- Current Status of Hadronic Physics with GlueX at Jefferson Lab, presented by Igor Strakovsky
- CD18, September 17-21
- The JLab Eta Factory (JEF) Program in Hall-D at Jefferson Lab, presented by Simon Taylor
- SPIN 2018: 23-rd International Spin Symposium, Ferrara, 2018 Sep 10-14
- Measurement of the J/psi photoproduction cross section close to threshold, contributed talk, presented by Eugene Chudakov
- TRR110 Workshop - Amplitudes for Three-Body Final States, July 11-13
- GlueX Three-Body Analysis, Strategies and Foreseeable Issues, presented by Alexander Austregesilo
- The Nature of Hadron Mass and Quark-Gluon Confinement from JLab Experiments in the 12-GeV Era, July 1-4
- The GlueX Program at Jefferson Lab, presented by Elton Smith
- Prospects of Studying Hadrons in Nuclear Matter with the GlueX Detector, presented by Alexander Somov
- Photoproduction of Lambda-Anti-Lambda Pairs at GlueX, (June 2018, HYP2018) presented by Reinhard Schumacher
- Meson 2018, June 7-12
- Latest Results from GlueX presented by Thomas Britton
- CIPANP2018, May 29 - June 3
- Recent Results from GlueX presented by Justin Stevens
- Analysis of ηπ0 and η'π0 Systems at GlueX presented by Alexander Austregesilo
- Beam Asymmetry Measurements in Λ(1520) Photoproduction at IOP 2018, Paisley 5 April, presented by Peter Pauli
- The GlueX Experiment: Status and Latest Results at [1] 8-12 January 2018, presented by Dave Mack
Talks in 2017
- SESAPS 2017, November 16-18
- Recent Results from GlueX presented by Sean Dobbs
- The JLab Eta Factory (JEF) Experiment presented by Simon Taylor
- Precision measurement of the eta radiative decay width via the Primakoff effect presented by Alexander Somov
- Exploring Hadrons with Electromagnetic Probes: Structure, Excitations, Interactions, November 2-3
- Photoproduction of vector mesons off nuclei with the GlueX detector presented by Alexander Somov
- Searching for Hybrid Mesons with GlueX at HADRON 2017 Sept. 25-29, presented by Sean Dobbs
- APS DNP Meeting, Pittsburgh PA, 25-28 October 2017.
- The GlueX Experiment and Data Analysis presented by Naomi Jarvis
- Particle identification performance at GlueX presented by Yunjie Yang
- The GlueX DIRC Detector presented by John Hardin
- The Map to Hadronic Physics from GlueX (30+6) presented by Curtis Meyer
- J/ψ Photoproduction at GlueX presented by Luke Robison
- Analysis of φ Spin Density Matrix Elements at the GlueX Experiment presented by Alexander Barnes
- Photoproduction of the Cascade Baryons at GlueX presented by Ashley Ernst
- Photoproduction of Baryon-Antibaryon Pairs at GlueX presented by Hao Li
- Survey of Meson Spectroscopy in the 4γ Channel presented by Shuang Han
- Photoproduction of the b1(1235) meson in GlueX presented by Ahmed Foda
- Charged Pion Photoproduction Beam Asymmetries at GlueX presented by Jonathan Zarling
- Exclusive η photoproduction and Σ beam asymmetries at GlueX presented by William McGinley
- Study of η' photoproduction at the GlueX experiment presented by Mahmoud Kamel
- Beam Asymmetry of the η'(958) meson through multiple decay channels in the GlueX Experiment presented by Tegan Beattie
- Search for the exclusive photoproduction of a leptophobic B boson at GlueX presented by Cristiano Fanelli
- Light-Meson Spectroscopy at GlueX, PANIC 2017, Beijing, 1-5 September 2017, presented by Alexander Austregesilo
- JLab report at PhyPsi17 26-29 June 2017, presented by Eugene Chudakov
- First results from the Spring 2016 run of the GlueX experiment, Jefferson Lab Annual User's Meeting, 19-21 June 2017, presented by Simon Taylor
- Early Results from GlueX Experiment, 2-nd Workshop on Proton Mass, ECT, Trento, 3-7 April 2017, presented by Eugene Chudakov
- Latest Results from GlueX, International Workshop on Partial Wave Analyses and Advanced Tools for Hadron Spectroscopy, Bad Honnef, 13-17 March 2017, presented by Alexander Austregesilo
- 7th Workshop for the Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, 1-3 February 2017
- Latest results from GlueX, presented by Elton Smith
- Threshold photoproduction of J/psi with the GlueX experiment, presented by Lubomir Pentchev
- APS April Meeting, 28-31 January 2017
- Light quark meson spectroscopy: First results from GlueX, presented by Justin Stevens
- Exclusive η photoproduction and Σ beam asymmetry measurements, presented by Will McGinley
- Photo-production of η' mesons with the GlueX experiment, presented by Mahmoud Kamel
Talks in 2016
- Photoproduction of Charm and Exotics at GlueX, Seminar at Argonne National Laboratory, 21 November 2016, presented by Sean Dobbs
- The Very Strange Spectroscopy Program at JLab, YSTAR 2016, Jefferson Lab, Virginia, 17-18 November 2016, presented by Volker Crede
- The Hall D Facility at JLab, YSTAR 2016, Jefferson Lab, Virginia, 17-18 November 2016, presented by Eugene Chudakov
- Latest results from the GlueX experiment, 83rd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society SESAPS16, Charlottesville, Virginia, 9-12 November 2016, presented by Mark Dalton
- Dilepton Physics with GlueX, Workshop on Dilepton Production, Trento, Italy, 24-28 October 2016, presented by Sean Dobbs
- APS DNP Fall Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, Oct. 13 - 16, 2016
- Light Meson Spectroscopy: First Results from GlueX APS DNP Fall Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, Oct. 13 - 16, 2016, presented by Matt Shepherd
- Analysis of the η(548) → π+π-π0 and η'(958) → π+π-η channels for the GlueX Experiment APS DNP Fall Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, Oct. 13 - 16, 2016, presented by Tegan Beattie
- Beam asymmetry Σ for π0 and η photoproduction on the proton at GlueX APS DNP Fall Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, Oct. 13-16, 2016, prepared by Zhenyu Zhang (presented by Matt Shepherd)
- A survey of multi-photon final states using the GlueX detector APS DNP Fall Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, Oct. 13-16, 2016, prepared by Simon Taylor
- Performance of the GlueX Polarized Photon Source APS DNP Fall Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, Oct. 13 - 16, 2016, presented by Brendan Pratt
- Exclusive omega photoproduction at GlueX APS DNP Fall Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, Oct. 13 - 16, 2016, presented by Michael Staib
- Photoproduction of the ρ(770) meson at GlueX APS DNP Fall Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, Oct. 13 - 16, 2016, prepared by Alex Austregesilo, presented by Reinhard Schumacher
- η(') → e+e-γ and transition form factors APS DNP Fall Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, Oct. 13 - 16, 2016, presented by Cristiano Fanelli
- ππ Final States At GlueX APS DNP Fall Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, Oct. 13 - 16, 2016, presented by Jon Zarling
- GlueX overview: status and some future plans XXIII International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems, Dubna, Russia, 19-24 September 2016, presented by Maria Patsyuk
- Search for a Leptophobic Gauge Boson via η Decay at JLab International Nuclear Physics Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 11-16 September 2016, presented by Liping Gan
- The GlueX experiment: first results Light Cone 2016, Lisbon, Portugal, 5-8 September 2016, presented by Cristiano Fanelli
- Meson and Baryon Spectroscopy in Photonuclear Reactions at GlueX Gordon Research Conference, Holderness, NH, 7-12 August 2016, presented by Justin Stevens
- Hall D / GlueX Physics Program The 8th Workshop on Hadron Physics in China and Opportunities Worldwide, Wuhan, China, 8–11 Aug 2016, presented by Alex Somov
- Radiative Decay of Photo-produced η' Mesons in GlueX Frontiers and Careers in Nuclear and Particle Physics, University of New Hampshire, NH, 4-6 August, presented by Mahmoud Kamel
- The GlueX Experiment, the MESON Confererence, Krakow, Poland, June 2016. Presented by Curtis A. Meyer.
- Hall D & GlueX Update, JLab Users Group Meeting, Newport News, VA, 20-22 June 2016, presented by Alex Barnes
- Meson and Baryon Spectroscopy at GlueX, International Conference on the Structure of Baryons (BARYONS 2016), Tallahassee, FL, 16-20 May 2016, presented by Eugene Chudakov
- The current status of GlueX at Jefferson Lab, American Physical Society April Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, 16-19 April 2016, presented by Matthew Shepherd
- Exploring gluonic degrees of freedom in the meson spectrum, William & Mary Colloquium, Williamsburg, VA, March 2016, presented by Justin Stevens
- Searching for Hybrid Mesons with GlueX, William & Mary Colloquium, Williamsburg, VA, February 2016, presented by Paul Mattione
- Nuclear photoproduction with GlueX, Next generation nuclear physics with JLab12 and EIC, FIU, 10 – 13 February 2016, presented by Alexander Somov
- Light quark exotics and the GlueX experiment at JLab, Spectroscopy of Resonances and QCD, Trento, 8-12 February 2016, presented by Justin Stevens
- Probing the color force that confines quarks, Hampton University Colloquium, Hampton, VA, 21 January 2016, presented by Elton Smith
Talks in 2015
- Analysis Plans in GlueX Athos/PWA Meeting, April 13-17 2015, GWU, presented by Curtis A. Meyer.
- Light-quark meson spectroscopy with the GlueX experiment CIPANP May 2015, presented by Mark M. Dalton.
- Searching for Hybrid Mesons at GlueX UNH Physics Colloquium, May 1, Paul Mattione
- GlueX / Hall-D Update 2015 JLab User's Group Meeting, June 3, Paul Mattione
- Commissioning of the GlueX Experiment, 2015 CAP Congress, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, June 13-19, 2015, Zisis Papandreou
- Hall D Update for Joint Hall A/C Summer Collaboration Meeting Joint Hall A & C Summer Collaboration Meeting, Jefferson Lab, July 18, 2015, presented by Eric Pooser.
- Status of the GlueX Experiment, HASPECT Collaboration Meeting, July 22, Paul Mattione
- Electromagnetic Production of Strangeness at Jefferson Lab HYP2015, September 2015, presented by Kei Moriya
- First GlueX Results Hadron 2015, September 2015, presented by Curtis A. Meyer.
- Gain Calibration of the Barrel Calorimeter in the GlueX Experiment DNP15, October 28-31, 2015, Santa Fe, NM, presented by William McGinley.
- Calibrations for Charged Particle Tracking with the GlueX Detector DNP15, October 28-31, 2015, Santa Fe, NM, presented by Michael Staib.
- A first look at reconstructed data from the GlueX detector DNP15, October 28-31, 2015, Santa Fe, NM, presented by Simon Taylor.
- Calibration of the Tagger Detectors with GlueX Commissioning Data DNP15, October 28-31, 2015, Santa Fe, NM, presented by Alex Barnes.
- The GlueX DIRC Project DIRC2015 Workshop, November 2015, Giessen, Germany, Justin Stevens
Talks in 2014
- Gluonic Excitations and Experimental Hall-D at Jefferson Lab DIS 2014, April 2014, Warsaw, Poland, Justin Stevens
- Physics in Hall D Jefferson Lab 2014 Users Group Meeting, June 2-4, 2014, presented by Curtis A. Meyer.
- The GlueX Experiment at Jefferson Lab, HaPhy-CLAS Workshop on Hadron Productions, August 2014, Kei Moriya
- The GlueX experiment and the search for exotic mesons, PANIC 2014, August 25-29, Will Levine
- Electromagnetic Strangeness Production at Jefferson Lab Energies, XI Conference on Quark Confinement at the Hadron Spectrum, September 8-12, 2014, presented by R. A. Schumacher.
- Eta Decay Programm at GlueX, MesonNet Meeting, INFN Frascati, September 29, Alexander Somov
- Polarized Photoproduction of Hybrid Mesons with GlueX, DNP-2014,Hawaii Island, October 7-12, 2014, Richard Jones
- GlueX Analysis presented at the Future Directions in Partial Wave Analysis Workshop at Jefferson Lab, November 2014.
Talks in 2013
- Hybrid Meson Lectures presented by Curtis Meyer in December 2013.
- Carnegie Mellon University undergraduate colloquium, November 2013. Big Science a talk on how large science projects are conceived, funded and built following the 12-GeV upgrade as an example (Curtis A. Meyer).
- Hadron 2013 November 4-8, 2013, Nara, Japan
- Searches for Hybrid Mesons at GlueX, Paul Mattione
- APS-DNP 2013 October 23-26, 2013, Newport News, VA
- Characteristics of Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM) for GlueX, Yi Qiang
- Reconstruction of showers in the GlueX barrel calorimeter, Will Levine
- JLab Hall-D Photon Beamline, Alexander Somov
- GlueX Start Counter, Eric Pooser
- Nuclear Science Summer School July 15-26, 2013, Stony Brook University campus. Colloquium presented by Curtis A. Meyer.
- INPC2013 25th International Nuclear Physics Conference June 2-7, 2013 Florence, Italy
- The Fifth Workshop on Hadron Physics in China and Opportunities in US, July 2-6, Huangshan, China
- Physics Program at Jefferson Lab Hall-D, Yi Qiang
- APS American Physical Society Meeting, April Mtg., Apr. 13-16, 2013, Denver, CO
- Characteristics of S12045(X) photon sensors for GlueX, Elton Smith
- The Barrel Calorimeter for the GlueX Experiment at Jefferson Lab, Zisis Papandreou (presented by Elton Smith)
- GHP Workshop Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadron Physics (GHP), Apr. 10-12, 2013, Denver, CO
- Exploration of Exotic Mesons with GlueX, Elton Smith
Talks in 2012
- PANDA XLIII Collaboration Meeting, Dec 10-14, 2012 GSI, Germany
- GlueX: Photoproduction of Hybrid Mesons, Elton Smith
- Spectroscopy at 12 GeV Workshop, Jefferson Lab
- Current PWA Projects in Hall D, Matt Shepherd
- DNP 2012 2012 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics, October 24 - Ocober 27, 2012 Newport Beach, California
- PANDA XLII Collaboration Meeting, June 26-29, 2012 Evanston, IL
- ATHOS 2012 International Workshop on partial wave analysis, June 20-23, 2012.
- Talk presented by Curtis Meyer.
- CAP Congress 2012, University of Calgary (Calgary, Alberta), June 11-15, 2012
- The GlueX Large Area Silicon Photomultipliers, Z. Papandreou
- Jefferson Lab User's Meeting, June 4-6, 2012.
- Talk presented by Curtis Meyer.
- MESON 2012 12th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction, May 31 - Jun 5, 2012 Krakow, Poland
- GlueX: Photoproduction of Hybrid Mesons, Elton Smith
- CIPANP 2012 Eleventh Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics, May 29 - Jun 3, 2012, St. Petersburg, Florida
Talks in 2011
- PANIC 11 The 19th Particles and Nuclei International Conference, in Cambridge, Massachusetts at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- GlueX: Detector Construction and Event Simulations, Naomi Jarvis.
- Hadron 2011, Munich, Germany, June 13-17, 2011
- Search for Gluonic Excitations in Hadrons with GlueX, I. Senderovich
- CAP Congress 2011, Memorial University of Newfoundland (St. John's, Newfoundland), June 13-17, 2011
- The GlueX Electromagnetic Barrel Calorimeter, Z. Papandreou
- APS Physics - April Meeting, Hyatt Regency Garden Grove, Anaheim, CA, April 30 - May 1, 2011.
- The GlueX Electromagnetic Barrel Calorimeter, Z. Papandreou.
- The Meson Spectrum from Lattice QCD, J. Dudek.
- The Experimental Spectrum of Hadrons, M. Shepherd.
- Overview of GlueX Offline Computing, M. Ito.
- Charged particle tracking for the gluex detector, S. Taylor.
- The 4th Workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, Hyatt Regency Garden Grove, Anaheim, CA, April 27-29, 2011.
- The Meson Spectrum from Lattice QCD, J. Dudek.
- Workshop on Excited Hadronic States and the Deconfinement Transition, Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA, February 23-25, 2011.
- Spectroscopy: experimental status and prospects, Curtis A. Meyer.
- WNPPC 2011, Winter Nuclear and Particle Physics Conference, 18-20 Feb 2011, Banff, Canada
- The GlueX Barrel Calorimeter, Zisis Papandreou
- Large Area Multi-Pixel Photon Detectors for the GlueX Barrel Calorimeter, Mehrnoosh Tahani
- Hirschegg 2011, The Structure and Dynamics of Hadrons, Hirschegg, Austria, January 16-22, 2011
- The GlueX Experiment (and its Context), Ryan Mitchell
Talks in 2010
- DNP 2010, Santa Fe, NM, Nov 2 - 6.
- Level-1 Trigger of the GlueX Experiment, Alexander Somov
- Jefferson Lab PAC36, Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA, August, 2010.
- GlueX Presentation, Curtis A. Meyer.
- LNF Frascati, Frascati, Italy, June 30, 2010
- The GlueX Experiment: construction is under way, Z. Papandreou
- CAP Congress 2010, University of Toronto (Toronto, Ontario), June 7-11, 2010
- The GlueX Electromagnetic Barrel Calorimeter, Z. Papandreou
- Jefferson Lab Users Group Meeting, Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA, June 7-9, 2010.
- GlueX/Hall-D Physics, Curtis A. Meyer.
- Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon (MENU 2010), Williamsburg, VA, May 31, 2010.
- Physics Prospects with GlueX, Alexander Somov
Seminar Talks
- GlueX Program at Hall-D, Pizza seminar at Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Feb 26, 2014, Yi Qiang
- Physics Program at Jefferson Lab Hall-D, Seminar talk at Argonne National Lab, Chicago, August 2013, Yi Qiang
- The Search for Gluonic Excitations in Light Mesons with the GlueX Experiment, Seminar Talk at CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique, France, April 2012, Igor Senderovich
Colloquium Talks
- Search for Gluonic Resonances with GlueX Colloquium at Temple University, Philadelphia PA, April 16, 2018, Richard Jones.
- Probing the color force that confines quarks Colloquium at Hampton University, Hampton VA, January 2016, Elton Smith.
- The Jefferson Lab 12-GeV Upgrade and the GlueX Experiment, Colloquium at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, September 2011, Curtis A. Meyer.
- Quarks, QCD and Confinement: What we hope to learn at Jefferson Lab, Colloquium at ASU, February 2010, Curtis Meyer.
- Gluonic Hadrons as a Probe of Confinement, Undergraduate Colloquium at Saint Vincent College, Latrobe PA, September 2009, Curtis Meyer.