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GlueX-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
418-v2 HDFast Simulation Study of the FDC Simon Taylor FDC
19 Dec 2004
382-v1 BCAL Resolution Study using HDFast Garth M. Huber Particle ID
12 Nov 2004
334-v2 BCAL Length Study using HDFast Garth M. Huber Acceptance
27 Sep 2004
332-v1 Discussion of HDFast Simulations and the GlueX Portal Rheanne Filby et al. Acceptance
27 Sep 2004
277-v1 Acceptance Study for the GlueX detector system Joachim Kuhn Acceptance
Angular Distributions
09 Sep 2004
275-v1 The GlueX CDC Curtis A. Meyer CDC
09 Sep 2004
264-v2 Acceptance Study for the GlueX detector system Joachim Kuhn et al. Acceptance
03 Sep 2004
156-v1 HDFast & BCAL Zisis Papandreou Acceptance
08 Jul 2004
48-v1 Status of the HallD PID System Gary Adams et al. Acceptance
Particle ID
22 Oct 2001
38-v1 PID Acceptance Using TOF, Cherenkov and Kinematic Fitting Gary Adams et al. Acceptance
Particle ID
10 Jul 2000
16-v1 A Study of Acceptance for the Stage 1 Hall D Detector Paul M. Eugenio Acceptance
18 May 1999
Number of documents found: 11

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