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== Communication ==
== High Level Meetings  ==
<table><tr><td width=300>
* [[Connect to Bluejeans Meetings]]
* [[Want to connect? Read here first]]
* [[GlueX Communications]] - videoconferencing options and suggested equipment
* [[JLab Contacts for Meetings]]: All regularly scheduled meetings have a contact person resident at JLab.
</td><td width=300>
<td width=300>
<!-- [[Image:FCAL_and_BCAL.png|300px]] -->
== GlueX General Meetings  ==
<td width=300 valign="top">
<table><tr><td width=170>
Quick Reference:  [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki-private/index.php/Connect_to_ZoomGov_Meetings GlueX ZoomGov (private)]
* Bi-weekly
* [[GlueX-Collaboration-Meetings | GlueX Collaboration Meetings]]
  [[Hall-D Weekly Meeting|GlueX Bi-Weekly Meetings]]
** [[GlueX-Collaboration-May-2024 | May 2024 Meeting]]
</td><td width=170>
* [[Hall-D Weekly Meeting | GlueX Biweekly Meetings]]
* Thrice yearly
* [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki-private/index.php/Production_and_Analysis_Working_Group Calibration and Production Meetings (private)]
* [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki-private/index.php/Physics_Working_Group_Meetings  Physics Working Group Meetings (private)]
</td><td width=170>
* [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki-private/index.php/Open_Analysis_Discussions Tuesday Afternoon Open Analysis Discussion (private)]
* Thrice yearly
* [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki-private/index.php/GlueX_Practice_Talks Practice Talks (private)]
  [[Collaboration Board]]
* [[Run_Coordination_Meetings | Run Coordination]]
** [[Run_Coordination_Meetings:Winter2024 | Winter 2024 (Test Beam)]]
* [[GlueX Phase III Planning]]
== GlueX Special Meetings ==
<table><tr><td width=200>
* [[Software Tutorials/Workshops]]
* [[Software Tutorials/Workshops]]
* [[GlueX Upgrade Meetings]]  
* [[Reviews | GlueX Project Reviews]]
* [[PAC Presentations]]
* [[Collaboration Board | Collaboration Board Meetings]]
* [[Geant4 Upgrade Meetings]]
* [[FCAl DAQ Meetings]]
<td width=300 valign="top">
* [[Private:Shift Policy for GlueX | Shift Policy for GlueX]]
== Working Group Meetings ==
== Technical and Hardware Meetings ==
<td width=300 valign="top">
Quick Reference:  [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki-private/index.php/Connect_to_ZoomGov_Meetings GlueX ZoomGov (private)]
* [[Calorimetry Meetings]]
* [[Calorimetry Meetings]]
* [[BCAL Commissioning]]
* [[JEF Meetings|JLab Eta Factory (JEF) Hardware and Physics]]  
* [[BCAL Reconstruction]]
* [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki-private/index.php/Tracking Tracking Meetings (private)]
* [[Calorimetry Archives]]
* [[Tagged Beam Group Biweekly Meetings| Photon Beam and Tagger]]
* [[Electronics_Trigger_Meetings|Trigger Meetings]]
* [[Electronics Workshops/Pre-meetings|Workshops/Pre-meetings]]
* [[fADC FPGA Programming Meetings]]
* [[GlueX/Hall-D Installation Meetings]]
* [[JLAB Engineering Design and Fab meeting]]
* [[BCAL Installation Schedule]]
===Offline Software===
* [[GlueX Offline Software Meetings]]
* [[GlueX Calibration Working Group Meetings]]
* [[GlueX Data Challenge Meetings]]
* [[GlueX Software Review Meetings]]
* [[February 2009 Tutorial]]
* [[GlueX Analysis Workshop 2013]] ([http://argus.phys.uregina.ca/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=2272 Report] on the Wokshop)
===Online Systems===
* [[Trigger/DAQ/Monitoring/Controls Meetings|Online Working Group Meetings]]
===Particle ID===
* [[GlueX Time-of-Flight Bi-Weekly Meetings|Time-of-Flight]]
* [[GlueX Time-of-Flight Bi-Weekly Meetings|Time-of-Flight]]
* [[Start Counter Bi-Weekly Meetings|Start Counter]]
* [[Start Counter Bi-Weekly Meetings|Start Counter]]
* [[GlueX Upgrade PID Meetings]]
* [[GlueX PID Bi-Weekly Meetings|PID Working Group]]
* [[PID Progress]]
* [[GlueX Upgrade PID Meetings|Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light (DIRC)]]
* [[May 2007 PID Workshop]]
* Engineering
* [[July 2007 PID Workshop]]
** [[FCAL 2 Installation Meetings]]
** [[FCAL 2 Design Meetings]]
** [[JLAB Engineering Design and Fab meeting]]
** [[KLONG KPT Design Meetings]]
** [[KLONG CPS Design Meetings]]
* Offline Software
** [[GlueX Offline Software Meetings]]
** [[GlueX Software Review Meetings]]
** [https://halldweb1.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/HallD_AI/ML_Meetings Hall D AI/ML Meetings]
* [[Controls_Meetings | Online Controls Meetings]]
<td width=300 valign="top">
===Photon Beam and Tagger===
== Topical Analysis Meetings ==
* [[Tagged Beam Group Biweekly Meetings|Biweekly Meetings]]
* [[Special meeting on TAGM 4/28/2014|Special meeting on TAGM construction issues 4/28/2014]]
* [[Preparations for Internal Photon Beam Commissioning]]
* [[Physics Working Group Meetings]]
* [[Physics Simulation Meetings]]
<td width=300 valign="top">
* [[Practice Talks]]
=== Analysis Working Groups ===
* [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki-private/index.php/Amplitude_Analysis_Working_Group_Meetings Amplitude Analysis Working Group (private)]
* [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki-private/index.php/Beam_Asymmetry_Private &Sigma; Working Group Meetings (private)]
* [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki-private/index.php/Cross_Section_Working_Group_Meetings Cross Section Working Group (private)]
* [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki-private/index.php/Dilepton_Working_Group_Meetings Dilepton Working Group (private)]
* [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki-private/index.php/PrimEx-Eta_Weekly_Meeting PrimEx &eta; Working Group (private)]
* [[JEF Meetings|JLab Eta Factory (JEF) Hardware and Physics]]  
* [[Π_polarizability_Meetings | Pion Polarizability Working Group]]
<td valign="top">
=== Other Meetings and Discussions ===
* [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki-private/index.php/Light_Meson_Decays Light Meson Decays Discussions (private)]
* [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki-private/index.php/Vector_Pseudoscalar_Working_Group_Meetings Vector Pseudoscalar Discussions (private)]
* [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki-private/index.php/Open_Analysis_Discussions Tuesday Afternoon Open Analysis Discussion (private)]
=== Running ===
== The Archives ==
* [https://halldweb1.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Run_Coordination_Meetings:_Fall_run Run Coordination Meetings: Fall 2014 run]
* [https://hdops.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Post-thanksgiving_period Post-Thanksgiving Running (Fall 2014)]
* [[Key Performance Parameters]]
* [https://halldweb1.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Run_Coordination_Meetings:_Spring_run Run Coordination Meetings: Spring 2015 run]
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
* [[Solenoid Meetings]]
Click "expand" to the right to see the archive    &rarr;
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
=== Workshop Archive ===
* [[GlueX Target Meetings]]
* [[Two-Meson Photoproduction Workshop]], September 18, 2019
* Joint GlueX-PANDA Workshop [https://www.jlab.org/conference/gluex-panda2019] May 3-5, 2019
* HIPS [https://www.jlab.org/conferences/HIPS2017/] February 6-7, 2017.
* YSTAR [https://www.jlab.org/conferences/YSTAR2016/ Workshop] November 16-17, 2016. mini-Proceedings [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1701.07346v1.pdf].
* [[GlueX_Physics_Workshop_2016|The May Physics / Analysis Workshop]] May 2016.
* [https://www.jlab.org/conferences/photoproduction16/ Nuclear Photoproduction with GlueX] April 28-29, 2016.
* K<sub>L</sub> [https://www.jlab.org/conferences/kl2016/ Workshop] February 1-3, 2016. mini-Proceedings [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1604.02141v1.pdf].
* Photon-hadron physics with the GlueX detector at JLab ([http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/meetings/php2008/program.html  Program]) (2008).
=== Old Meetings Archive ===
* [[Tracking Meetings]]
* [[FDC Meetings]]
* [[DC and PID Review]]
The list below contains bullets and links that have been pruned from the various subcategories above over the years.  Many of these items link to a page that has links of agendas from many years ago.  If for some reason a particular activity below becomes "reactivated" then please relocate the page from the list below to an appropriate table of active meetings at the top of the page.
* [[Trigger/DAQ/Monitoring/Controls Meetings|Online Working Group Meetings]]
* [[Controls_Meetings | Agendas and Minutes for Controls meetings]]
* [https://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/workshop_old.html GlueX Meetings from 2000-2007]:  these are archived on the Hall D web site
* [[Trigger Working Group Meetings]]
* [[May 2008 Subsystem Review | May 2008 Subsystems Review]]
* [[May 2008 Subsystem Review | Subsystems Review]]
* [[GlueX-Online-Workshop-2009 | GlueX Online Workshop]] July 2009 at CNU
* [[GlueX-Online-Workshop-2009 | GlueX Online Workshop]] July 2009 at CNU
* [[12 GeV Trigger/Online Workshop | 12 GeV Trigger/Online Workshop]] July 2010 at CNU
* [[12 GeV Trigger/Online Workshop | 12 GeV Trigger/Online Workshop]] July 2010 at CNU
* [[Electronics Trigger Meetings|Trigger Electronics Meeting Minutes]]
* [[Tracking Meetings|Tracking Meetings - public wiki]]
* [[FDC_Meetings | FDC Meetings (Tracking)]]
* [[FADC_FPGA_Programming_Meetings|FA125 Meetings (Tracking)]]
* [[DC and PID Review]]
* [[GlueX Target Meetings]]
* [[Solenoid Meetings]]
* [[Special meeting on planning for a stable TAC run 4/6/2018]]
* [[PID Progress|PID Progress (from 2007 workshop)]]
* [[May 2007 PID Workshop]]
* [[July 2007 PID Workshop]]
* [[GlueX Data Challenge Meetings]]
* [[February 2009 Tutorial]]
* [[GlueX Calibration Working Group Meetings]]
* [[GlueX Analysis Workshop 2013]] ([https://halldweb.jlab.org/doc-private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=2272 Report] on the Wokshop)
* [[GlueX Physics Workshop 2016]]
* [[GlueX Containers Meetings]]
* [[HDGeant4 Meetings]]
* [[GlueX/Hall-D Installation Meetings]]
* [[BCAL Installation Schedule]]
* [[Geant4 Upgrade Meetings]]
* [[FCAl DAQ Meetings]]
* [[DIRC Review Meeting]]
* [[GlueX Upgrade Meetings | GlueX Upgrade from 2012]]
* [[Electronics_Trigger_Meetings|Electronics Trigger Meetings]]
* [[Electronics Workshops/Pre-meetings| Electronics Workshops/Pre-meetings]]
* [[fADC FPGA Programming Meetings]]
* [[Connect to Bluejeans Meetings]] (deprecated)
* [[GlueX Communications]]
* [[JLab Contacts for Meetings]]
* [[Transitioning from BlueJeans to Zoom]]
* [[Want to connect?  Read here first]]
* [[Analysis Working Group Meetings| Production & Analysis Meetings (old public agendas)]]
* [[Physics Simulation Meetings | Physics Simulation Meetings (old)]]
* [[Physics Working Group Meetings | Physics Working Group Meetings (old public agendas)]]
* [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki-private/index.php/Eta/Eta-prime_Private Eta and Eta-prime and related analyses]
* [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki-private/index.php/Hyperon_Informal_Working_Group Hyperon Informal Working Group]
* [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki-private/index.php/Hyperon_Working_Group Hyperon Working Group (private)] inactive:  analyses transitioned to other working groups
* [[Practice Talks | Practice Talks (old public page)]]
* [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki-private/index.php/Private:Shift_Policy_for_GlueX Shift Policy Meetings (2014)]
* [[Ad Hoc Meetings]]
* [[PAC Presentations | PAC39 Preparations]]
* [[Calorimetry Archives]]
* [[CPP Design Meetings]]
* [[ Trigger Commissioning Meetings|Trigger Commissioning Meetings]]
* [[Level-3 Trigger Meetings]]
* [[Trigger Working Group Meetings]]
* [[GlueX/Primex Meetings (old)]]
* [[Trigger/DAQ/Monitoring/Controls Meetings|Online Working Group Meetings]]
* [[Run_Coordination_Meetings:Spring2023|Run Coordination Meetings: Spring 2023 Run (GlueX)]]
* [[Run_Coordination_Meetings:Fall2022|Run Coordination Meetings: Fall 2022 Run (PrimEx)]]
* [[Run_Coordination_Meetings:Summer2022|Run Coordination Meetings: Summer 2022 Run]]
* [[Run Coordination Meetings:Fall2021|Run Coordination Meetings: Fall 2021 Run]]
* [[Run Coordination Meetings:Summer2021|Run Coordination Meetings: Summer 2021 Run]]
* [[Run Coordination Meetings:Summer2020|Run Coordination Meetings: Summer 2020 Run]]
* [[Run Coordination Meetings:Fall2019 Run|Run Coordination Meetings: Fall 2019 / Spring 2020 Run]]
* [[Run Coordination Meetings:Spring2019 Run|Run Coordination Meetings: Spring 2019 Run ]]
* [[Run Coordination Meetings:Fall2018 Run|Run Coordination Meetings: Fall 2018 Run]]
* [[Run Coordination Meetings:Fall2017 Spring2018 Run|Run Coordination Meetings: Spring 2018 Run]]
* [[Run Coordination Meetings: Spring 2017 Run]]
* [[Run Coordination Meetings: Fall 2016 Run]]
* [[Run Coordination Meetings: Spring 2016 Run]]
* [[Run Coordination Meetings: Fall 2015 Run]]
* [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Run_Coordination_Meetings:_Spring_run Run Coordination Meetings: Spring 2015 run]
* [[Key Performance Parameters]]
* [https://halldweb.jlab.org/hdops/wiki/index.php/Post-thanksgiving_period Post-Thanksgiving Running (Fall 2014)]
* [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Run_Coordination_Meetings:_Fall_run Run Coordination Meetings: Fall 2014 run]
* [[Pi0 polarizability Meetings|Neutral Pion Polarizability Meetings]]
* [[TRD| TRD from 20016]]
== GlueX Physics Meetings ==
* Photon-hadron physics with the GlueX detector at JLab ([http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/meetings/php2008/program.html  Program])
== Other GlueX/HallD Meetings ==
* [[GlueX/Primex Meetings]]
* [[&pi; polarizability Meetings]]
* [[JEF Meetings]]

Revision as of 10:53, 18 April 2024

High Level Meetings

Quick Reference: GlueX ZoomGov (private)

JLB 5981.jpg

Technical and Hardware Meetings

Quick Reference: GlueX ZoomGov (private)

Painted magnet.jpg

Topical Analysis Meetings

Analysis Working Groups

Other Meetings and Discussions

The Archives

Click "expand" to the right to see the archive →

Workshop Archive

Old Meetings Archive

The list below contains bullets and links that have been pruned from the various subcategories above over the years. Many of these items link to a page that has links of agendas from many years ago. If for some reason a particular activity below becomes "reactivated" then please relocate the page from the list below to an appropriate table of active meetings at the top of the page.